
Strangely Normal... the History.

And with a heavy heart, she reached 100 strips before coming to a finality. The first few strips were the last in what was to be the one-off era of the comic, as I decided that I'd end it with a mini-arc of sorts. I planned ahead the arc by several strips, then refined it into what became the last hurrah of the comic. It was sad ending it, but I knew going in that I didn't have the energy, or the inspiration, to keep SN going without making it a parody of itself. However, I wasn't quite done with my bag of tricks yet, pulling out the stops with another set of backgrounds that I challenged myself with, and a next-to-last comic that I purposefully kept short, sweet, and simple, while trying to give it as much atmosphere and artisticness as I could (is that even a word? If not I claim it in the name of Shannon). As for the very last comic, well... I sent her off the same way she came into the world...

It was touching to me, at least.

- Kevin

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