News ArchiveSunday, October 11, 2009KevinUh, whoops... somehow I seemed to have forgotten to throw up an update last weekend. o.o I'm not sure how that happened, so I can only assume that I must be even more out of sorts and overworked/stressed than I thought. Anyway, here's what should have been up there last weekend, but has been delayed by a week... Errrrrrwhoops. :xSaturday, September 19, 2009KevinToday's comic has some terrrible art in it, but for a reason: I drew the whole thing while sitting in my car. Not the best place for arting, admittedly. =S Eeeeeeeeeeek.Tuesday, June 30, 2009KevinI'd say Bullet Bunny's rant just about says it all. I've been running myself ragged trying to get stuff ready for Anthrocon '09... and I don't know if it's just exhaustion or I'm starting to burn out, but the funny just isn't happenin' these days. At least, not for comics. I don't really have much else to say though, so I'll see everybody when I get back from Anthrocon. =) Comics Resume in two Saturdays.Sunday, May 24, 2009KevinPardon the delay, but there were some extenuating circumstances... those circumstances being that I just finished upgrading my old computer to a new one. =) Ergo, this is being the first comic evar made on the new box! Not that there's really much difference. I do love my old baby, though... she went strong for eight long years and served me well. I got her retired now to the next room running the music equipment, so she'll only get spot duty from now on. It's not true what they say about Windows, either... the whole stereotype about system crashes. At least, not since Windows 2000 (which I've used and had): from 2000 on the technology was built so that the system is damn near impossible to crash. In fact, in those eight years I NEVER had a crash on the old box, running Windows XP Pro SP1. The only time it would "lock up", so to speak, was when loading Madden 2004, but I discovered eventually that the system wasn't actually hanging, and that I could put the machine to sleep and rewake it, then murder the Madden process tree and start over again. THAT'S how robust the Win2000 technology was. =p Anyway, now that I've gotten all that outta the way, I may have to unplug for a couple days and get away from everything... I need sleeeeeeeeeeep. x.x Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains o____oSaturday, April 18, 2009KevinDUN DUN Dunnnnnnn. BM: Stop it! Sorry... *ahem* Anyways, I'm sure not many of you who the cute lil' chibi felox is, so I'll have to make introductions: Foxytangerine, welcome to the show! *canned applause* Making a most delicious debut on Comicarotica, Foxy hails from the Zone of Chibi Insanity otherwise known as fLoRiDa ... a place so chibi-filled your head may explode from the sheer cuteness of it all! O.O Viewer beware... :O OM~NOMNOMNOMNOM.Saturday, March 7, 2009KevinValentine's Day Special brought to you by Oversized Suits R Us. =p A little late for that, I know, but what can ya do... and in case anyone didn't know, the comic for February 21 features Ryan from Strangely Normal, which you can read through by following the links scattered about these pages. As for today's comic, I do believe U.S. Fair Trade copyright law applies here, as it's a parody of a parody of a video game drawn entirely by hand. That is to say, it's based on 8-Bit Theater by Brian Clevinger, and if you're reading this comic and don't know what 8BT is you should be ashamed of yourself. ASHAMED.Sunday, January 4, 2009KevinLil' Super Bowl special for ya here. One for the other hand, baby.Sunday, Novemeber 2, 2008KevinFirst, sorry the comic's a little late... but there's a Halloween treat inside this one! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBIN! =D If don't know Robin, she's the author and artist of the graphic novel Shades of Grey, and if you don't know what that is, ya need ta get yer butt over there, stat! Better I get your annual birthday present over there late than never, eh? ^-^; Now, on to other news... WE'RE AT 100 COMICS. =D And not only that... IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS since Crotica went live. Many comics don't live to one year. =p I feel a little accomplished now, even if the comic is just a festering cesspool of humanity's most embarrasing traits and moments... or is that just furry fandom? But I digress. It's also time now for some crediting, though what I need to just do is make Philip, De', and Ally all "contributors" since I do maybe 75% of the work on the thing anyway, and they add so many great gags to my stable of eccentric comedy genius. =p That's sarcasm, by the way. Anywho, here they are, most recent first: • September 27: 2008: Inspired by something De' said to me. =p • August 30, 2008: Don't look at me for this one... it was all Ally's idea. =p • July 26, 2008: Totally De'. • July 5, 2008: Inspired by a conversation me and De' had. And that's it for today's Big Honking Update. And again, enjoy Robin's belated birthday present. =) P.S. I left November misspelled that way. ;P How many of you spotted it? Call now for rewards! Two years! Who'd'a thought?Monday, September 29, 2008KevinThis week's I didn't think of until yesterday (I think, anyway...) and didn't get around to 'til just this morning. =X Well really, I only put it in the context of an ad... it was Demus who came up with the money quip in this one. PENIIIIIIS.Sunday, August 31, 2008KevinAnd AGAIN for the lateness... this time, I have no excuse. x.x *persecutes self*Sunday, July 13, 2008KevinSorry again for the lateness -- inspiration was not kind to me this week. x_x There was also a server issue that kept me from uploading the comic that took several hours to finally resolve. Aaaaagg.Saturday, June 7, 2008KevinH'aaaaaaaaaaand, once again, time for creditgiving where it's due (and some copyright info.): • March 22: Mostly Ally's idea. • May 10: This conversation actually happened between me and Mike at the mall one day that week. Mostly, anyway. • May 17: Inspired by something Demus was saying once. Miko sure seems to be enjoying herself... -_^ • May 24: This actually happened in a dream I had. Well, sort of it did, anyway. It's a long story... • May 31: Mostly Demus' idea again. • June 7: This one has Mitch (Ally's brother) written alllll over it... completely his idea, I just drew it. =) IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER! Jack Skeleton and materials (all of them) from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas are copyright their respective owners, but represented here in spirit of parody, which I'm praying to God is covered by the Free Use Act at this moment... >.> Meep.Saturday, March 15, 2008KevinCredit time again! Today's comic was mostly the brainchild of one Demus (of the Jack forums), and last week's comic was inspired by something Ally's brother said to her a week or so ago. I can't claim full credit for boobtittytittytitty, no. =p And I forget his name, so "Ally's Brother" will have to do for now. >_>' Hi, Ally's brother! ^-^;Sunday, March 2, 2008KevinSorry again for the lateness... can't really offer an excuse 'cause I just don't have one. =/ MeepSaturday, February 23, 2008KevinSorry about the lateness of today's comic... things've been hellish lately. =\ As for last weekend's comic, I fired off a permission email to Mr. Shive last week, but since I haven't got an answer back, I'm going to assume for now that he's okay with it... >_> LaterTuesday, January 21, 2008KevinI realized shortly after the last news post that I forgot now to note guest WRITING credits. :o Because some of those were with help from others... specifically: • December 1, 2007: Comic inspired originally by a caption subtitle by Nowhere Man, of the Jack forums. • December 22, 2007: Comic written mostly by Ally, mentioned in the character credits, and only added onto partly by moi. =) • January 12, 2008: This one written by me and Demus, part-in-part although the original idea was his. =) • January 19, 2008: Same thing here. Original idea by Demus, and expanded on and edited by me. Oops. :xSaturday, January 12, 2008KevinIt's about high time I make notes about folks and their guest appearance roles. =p I've been putting it off for forever. =( • December 22, 2007: Guest stars are The Demus (as Perv Boy!) and Ally (as The Tease!). The couple is no one of consequence. =p • December 29, 2007: Guest starring Aecas as Police Man! • January 5, 2008: Guest starring The Discplinator! Property of the Stranger (that's right... the same Stranger from DrunkDuck.) And that's all for now... enjoy the new year, fellas. =) BweeeeeeeSaturday, November 17, 2007KevinToday's comic features the Demus! In a guest starring role. The chick is Miko, by the way. =P BOOOOOOBS!Saturday, October 27, 2007KevinAnd today's guest comic comes to us by way of the Stranger! He's also a Drunkduck member, you should check his stuff out. =D He's awesome. Totally.Saturday, October 20, 2007KevinToday's guest comic is brought to us by the 'Nutter! Thanks guy, it's my first guest comic evar. =D Yooo.Saturday, October 13, 2007KevinToday's comic is Comicarotica Number Fifty! Hard to believe this crap-ass comic has lasted this long, but it has... =) In celebration, there'll be one (maybe two) guest comics running for the next two weekends, which incidentally takes us past the one-year milestone, too! =D Updates by moi continue in two weeks (roundabouts)... DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! Word.Saturday, September 22, 2007KevinI, um... I only just NOW noticed I've been using 2006 instead of 2007 for all the date headers since April... WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME?! *shifty eyes* *ahem* Anyway... today's update brought to you by an AIM conversation. And the character of Chastity is property of Aaron "Border Walker", used with permission. Say hi, Aaron... WITH YOUR HAMMER. DOOOOOOM.Saturday, July 28, 2007KevinI just realized looking through my stats that I've got like, fifty readers or so... I mean, what the Hell? I'm not supposed to have readers! I value my anonymity... Note to self: Be More Offensive... Dooooop.Saturday, June 30, 2007KevinYes, I am seen firing a pair of flintlocks. Why? 'Cause I been watchin' too much effin' Pirates of the Caribbean, that's why. Stand to and man the braces, ye scurvy dogs! There be a storm approachin'! ArrrSaturday, June 23, 2007KevinBoredom and a complete lack of new information leads to an update for this week. If I'd gone into marketing, I totally would own the market. The Budweiser guys would beg to have me on their team. ;-) DeuceTuesday, June 5, 2007KevinAfter the current buffer runs out and until further notice, updates will be suspended indefinitely. They will only resume when announced, which could be anywhere from a few days to a year. More information will come eventually. DeuceMonday, April 9, 2007KevinTribute, Hart, 2007. Maybe you didn't agree with his work, maybe you thought it was great, but either way you gotta admit: he did all right by himself. R.I.P. Copyright information: Mac appears from the comic Steve and Mac, part of the SS Comix family... B.C. character copyright Johnny Hart, for non-profit parody and tribute purposes. I also need my money and very much would not like to be sued... Friday, December 29, 2006KevinNew comic! The miniseries Born Fuzzy, short as it is, is there for you to view. Be entertained, peoples. Sunday, December 17, 2006KevinThe first Sunday Special Comicarotica! These will usually come up whenever there's some issue of the day that might not be relevant weeks after the fact. Aside from that, enjoy your double shot of weekly zanyness. Yesterday's was one of my personal favorites, by the way, and also one of the first random comics that went into the invention of Comicarotica. Wednesday, November 1, 2006KevinTime's up... Charlie's here. Friday, October 20, 2006KevinWelcome to SS Comix, the compository home of the works of Philip Seals, K.L. Sanchez, and the man known only as Soup. 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